Friday 25 December 2009

Dating Girl Ukraine - Keywords For Melting Hearts

10,000 Russian Single Women

If you have planned romance in Ukraine, then you should be prepared not only with the profile of the woman you are going to meet but also with a few tiny phrases that will help you break the initial ice.

Traveling many kilometers is always an exciting experience and when you have done this because of love and passion, then surely your fist visit to Ukraine will be unforgettable.

Probably you will be prepared that the normal Ukraine girl is shy but has high self esteem and will not allow you any intimacy until you have deserved her respect and feelings.

How to melt girl's heart? In fact it is hard but not an impossible task.

Your dating will pass through a few phases: it will start with confusion, it will pass trough funny misunderstandings and finally, to your lady's heart and if you enjoy each other's company, your new friendship could grow into something more personal. On each step there are ways to make the girl feel special and important to you.

The only problem that will be left in the air will be you and your real interests and desires. Our advice is not to play with people's hearts and not to do anything that could offend your Ukraine date.

Good places for meetings are the small cafeterias in the city centers. From one side they are not crowded and noisy, on the other, they are public enough, which will make the girl feel more confident and not in danger.

When you see each other try to be as frank as possible. Smile only if you feel like smiling. If your smile is fake this will be obvious and you will have bad start from the very beginning.

Try to show that you have made efforts for her, learn a few words in Ukraine and use them in the right places. Do not trust friends who can mislead you telling you words in the foreign language. Sometimes our friends have strange sense of humor and you can learn by heart a very bad Ukrainian curse instead of great compliment.

Some of the basic words are pryvit and vitayu meaning hello and below is a short list of other useful phrases:
Jak sja majesh ? - How are you?
Djakuju - Thank you!
Vybach - Sorry
Tse ja povynen vam viddjachyty - The pleasure was all mine

Your Ukrainian date knows pretty well that for foreigners from the west the local language is extremely hard for pronunciation and learning and they will appreciate every effort in speaking Ukrainian.

While making such good impressions do not forget to act as a real gentleman. Etiquette is highly important. Do not pretend to be something extraordinary, be naturally polite and impulsively nice. Yes, definitely being impulsive is something that comes with practice, so do not wonder too long and start practicing today. Every little gesture means much to the Ukrainians.

Select topics of conversation which are intelligent and at the same time are not boring or banal. If the conversation is dull, the girl will never remember it and therefore you will never reach her heart. You have seen her profile so you know this lady's interests. Do not try to suggest what topic might be interesting to her. If she has mentioned that she loves paraplanerism for example, do not tell her stories for the table tennis championships or golf.

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